B.M.C. Audio GmbH

Bahnhofstr. 29
38154 Koenigslutter am Elm

+49 30 692 006 061
+49 30 692 006 069


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PureDAC Reviews

Meanwhile there are that many reviews of our PureDAC, which should proove it's outstanding position in this product range.
The reviews are listet on the PureDAC product page.

Germany's Fairaudio awards our PureDAC

Our PureDAC was again awarded for the best sound quality within it's class.
Thanks for the encouragement, we won't stop pushing the limits!

PureDAC Fairaudio

Positive Feedback Online awards our CS2 amplifier

Just the sheer number of awards should proove how outstanding our CS2 is within it's price range and obviously also within clearly higher price ranges too.

The original comment:
"In order to encourage further excellence in fine audio, to the greater good of all who love it."
We feel encouraged and definitely love audio!

PFO CS2 Award

Taiwan's My Hiend awards the CS2 amplifier

We are very proud and grateful for receiving this award, showing appreciation for our struggle to deliver best quality combined with best value.
Thank you My Hiend!
 My Hiend

Stereophile June 2013, MCCI Phono Stage

"B.M.C.'s Phono MCCI is exceptional, and easily among the best MC phono preamps at any price. Its sound was startingly good, and in some ways seemed to surpass that of virtually every other phono preamp I've heard, especially in terms of transparency, and of not imposing its own strong character, or any character, on the music." Michael Fremer
We are truly moved and higher motivated than ever by the level of recognition to our work, ideas and the resulting products. What else could a manufacturer wish from a review from the top renowned international magazine and breaking all established price classes!
Thank you Michael Fremer and John Atkinson!

The Absolute Sound June 2013, CS2 Amplifier

"The B.M.C. CS2 performs at some of the highest levels of amplification I’ve experienced. Exceptional transparency, commanding power reserves, and intriguing innovation make this a world-class amp." Neil Gader

Thanks Neil for the wonderful review! The CS2 is full of not easy to describe innovations and you expained everything with ease.

CEPro awards B.M.C.'s CS2 Amplifier


Our power amplifier CS2 is one of the bestsellers within the B.M.C. line. It got awarded by the CEPro for innovation and excellent industrial design...


6 Moons Awards B.M.C.'s CS2 Amplifier

...for it's "resolution, neutrality, high power, build quality and very high value".

6Moons Award

Read the review here and have a look to the product site here.

Germany's Fairaudio awarded B.M.C.'s DAC1


Have a look to the review in German, or with less effort in English on 6moons.

B.M.C.'s Sound+Image Award Collection from Australia


A big THANK YOU to Australia for encouraging us with 3 awards!

Highly Commended

B.M.C. Amplifier C1
Stereo Amplifier of the Year Over $5000
Highly Commended
B.M.C. BDCD1.1 / DAC1
CD Player of the Year

The Audiobeat in Denver


"The Audiobeat" met us in Colorado and wrote a wonderful report. Thanks to Marc Mickelson and Paul Bolin for so much patience and enthusiasm!


Stereophile reviews AMP C1

Stereophile's Michael Fremer reviews our AMP C1


C1 Stereophile




Read the full review.

6moons Reviews the DAC1

A translated review from Germany's Fairaudio magazine.

Text by Ralph Werner


Read the complete review...

"AV Showrooms" Newport T.H.E. Show Interview

AV Showrooms Interview with Carlos Candeias, CEO and Chief Engineer of B.M.C. Audio, at T.H.E. SHOW, Newport, Californa.


Click on the picture, for seeing the video.

See the complete show report at AVShowrooms.com...

„Music Emotion” reviews B.M.C. Audio Phono MCCI

„Wegzinken in Muziek”

Dutch online audio magazine Music Emotion reviews the B.M.C. Audio Phono MCCI


Read article in Dutch:
Wegzinken in Muziek (PDF, 0,4 MB)

„6moons.com” reviews B.M.C. Audio AMP C1

„Bull's eye”

Online audio magazine 6moons reviews the B.M.C. Audio AMP C1:

„[...] if you're after an amp that plays rhythmically and tonally in the pocket and offers a presentation that's controlled and sober in the best sense of these terms, this B.M.C. becomes a prime candidate indeed.”

Read article in English

„Audiodrom” reviews B.M.C. Audio AMP C1, DAC1 and BDCD1

„Living a dream...”

Czech online audio magazine Audiodrom reviews the B.M.C. Audio AMP C1, DAC1 and BDCD1:

„The high end audio can make you easily desperate. For substantial amounts of money you get small shifts in performance and though we subliminally hope for a revolution it rarely happens. Despite this fact I had a strong feeling that BMC Audio had made a revolution happen...”

Read article in English

„Stereo” reviews B.M.C. Audio BDCD1

„Audiophile Toploader”

German audio magazine Stereo reviews the B.M.C. Audio BDCD1.


Read article in English:
Stereo 10/2010 (PDF, 3,0 MB)

„Stereo” reviews B.M.C. Audio Phono MCCI

„Attack on the Establishment”

Stereo reviews the B.M.C. Audio MCCI.


Read article in English:
Stereo 02/2010 (PDF, 0,7 MB)

„Hifi-Stars” reviews B.M.C. Audio Phono MCCI

„The Drumbeat”

German audio magazine Hifi-Stars reviews the B.M.C. Audio MCCI.


Read article in English:
Stereo 05/2009 (PDF, 2,0 MB)

„LP - Magazin für analoges HiFi & Vinyl-Kultur”
reviews B.M.C. Phono MCCI

German audio magazine „LP” reviews B.M.C. Audio Phono MCCI



Read article in English:
Direct Injection – Preamplifier B.M.C. Audio MCCI (PDF, 3,3 MB)

„Hifi-Stars” reviews B.M.C. Audio CD Player & DAC1

„A Modular Way to Music”

German audio magazine „HiFI-Starts” reviews B.M.C. Audio CD Player & DAC1


Read article in English:
Hifi-Stars 04/2009 (PDF, 3,1 MB)